Museums and archaeological sites

  • The Ancient Stadium of Olympia, situated in a beautiful green landscape surrounded by trees and valleys, constitutes a sanctuary of god Zeus and the birthplace of the Olympic Games. Just walking around the archaeological site will help you feel the energy and incredible history of the source of one of the biggest sporting events in history.
  • The Archaeological Museum of Olympia features some exquisite exhibitions that include the celebrated statue of Hermes of Praxiteles, The Nike of Paionios, one of the finest sculptures of the Classical period and the sculpted decoration of the Temple of Zeus, considered among the greatest creations of ancient Greek art.
  • The Temple of Hera, Olympia’s oldest temple, is where the Olympic torch relay begins and the flame is lit and carried to the country where the games are held. The temple was built approximately in 590 BC, but was destroyed in the early 4th century by an earthquake.
  • Visit the Museum of Archimedes, featuring approximately 350 functional models of ancient inventions and interactive replicas of the ancient Greek world (2 km away).
  • See the Museum of the Olympic Games where you can learn about the historical development of the Olympic Games and other PanHellenic festivals. Some of the most important exhibits are the gold rings-seals with the first representations of athletic competitions as well as equipment used by the athletes (3 km away).